The appearance of a secret secreted by the human body informs both the norm and the deviations. For example, with a runny nose or otitis media, the appearance of fluid clearly indicates the disease. The human reproductive system is much more complex. Discharge in men, when aroused, can indicate normal health or, conversely, signal the development of a disease.
Should there be discharge in men during sexual arousal?
In men, the appearance of mucus in the urethra is a natural and necessary process in some cases. When an erection occurs, a transparent discharge appears in the volume of a few drops. They are called preseminal fluid, such physiological phenomena are completely normal.

The volume of mucus secretion depends entirely on the characteristics of the male body and must meet certain characteristics in order to be considered the norm. In particular, there should not be excessive density, color, specific smells.
The appearance of a secret occurs in the following cases that lead to an erection:
- Masturbation;
- Sexual caresses on a partner;
- Thoughts about intimacy.
The frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon also depends on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some men experience discharge with any arousal, while others rarely see it.
From the point of view of specialists, the presence of exudate during sexual arousal promotes conception - it acts as an additional conductor for the sperm to reach the egg cell and reduces the acidity of the female vagina, thereby destroying the sperm. Accordingly, the discharge from the genital organ takes an active role in the fertilization process and is considered an important mechanism of the male reproductive system.
Why is this happening?
Doctors have not fully established the reason for fluid leakage from the penis, but it has been shown that the release of lubricant in men during the arousal process helps to facilitate the exit of the head of the genital organ from the folds, without injury or damage. It is necessary to carefully observe intimate hygiene, the secreted liquid is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
It is important to note that prolonged abstinence will result in much more abundant discharge, and the composition of the secret will become thicker and cloudy. It is important to ensure that there is no discoloration, no blood streaks or an unpleasant odor. Some doctors believe that the appearance of fluid occurs as the body prepares for intimacy with a woman.
Pathological discharge can occur for several reasons:
- Improper diet, especially the use of sour, hot cucumbers;
- Inflammatory processes provoked by pathogenic bacteria;
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- Accompanying complications after operations or injuries;
- Oncological pathologies.
Types of discharge
Several types of discharge are normal unless accompanied by additional signs.

However, if there is a certain odor, itching, fever, pain in the groin area or in the penis, this is already a cause for concern and a referral to a urologist.
Types of emptying based on the standard
3 kinds of secrets that have been produced and flowed are considered absolutely normal and natural.
- Libidic urethrorrhea. The secret that the function of lubrication is. It looks like a liquid with a transparent consistency, odorless. Appears in small quantities, does not cause any inconvenience. The composition contains a small amount of sperm, however, unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy of the partner;
- Spegma. Whitish secret, sometimes yellowish, often smells unpleasant. The secretion of fluid occurs through the glands located under the foreskin. His appearance does not indicate a pathology, but rather that the man is neglecting the rules of personal hygiene;
- Sperm. A white liquid with a slimy consistency. The discharge occurs from the urethra during orgasm. Contains a high proportion of semen and secretions.
Mucous discharge
They often indicate the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. In cases where the secret has high viscosity, but retains transparency, the likelihood of the following diseases is high:
Symptoms are also confirmed by the presence of high levels of white blood cells on blood tests.
Purulent discharge
Evidence of gonorrhea. The leaking liquid is yellow with a greenish tinge and an unpleasant odor. The consistency is thick and sticky. A secret analysis reveals a significant amount of leukocytes.
Discharge when inflamed
Inflammatory diseases that change the composition of the discharge are caused by:
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Escherichia coli;
- Candida fungus;
- Streptococci.
When non-gonorrheic urethritis occurs - inflammation in the urethral canal, the fluid secreted is characterized by:
- Haze and stickiness;
- The presence of mucus;
- Purulent content.
It is accompanied by pain, discomfort, and itching.
In diseases of the foreskin, balanoposthitis, profuse discharge, which contains a lot of purulent contents, is characteristic. There is redness, swelling, severe pain.
Prostatitis is characterized by the secretion of mucus with pus. Other symptoms are pain, decreased erectile function, and frequent urination.
To determine candidiasis, it is enough to study the photo that shows a secret feature of it. It has the consistency of cottage cheese, this form of mycosis is accompanied by reddening of the glans, unbearable itching.
Discharge with blood
The secret that the blood contains requires the greatest attention. Similar signs indicate:
- Infectious diseases, particularly chronic infectious urethritis;
- Violation of the urethral canal during medical interventions;
- Removal of sand and stones from the kidneys, more blood is felt when urinating;
- Malignant formations in the area of the prostate, ovaries, genitals. When this happens, the discharge contains brown or dark blood, often in the form of blood clots.
Norm or deviation?
A clear sign of pathology is the presence of mucus, pus, discoloration, fishy or sour odor, stickiness or cloudiness.
- Average density;
- Transparency;
- No smell.
If there are minor changes in color and consistency, it is important to analyze:
- Your own sex life, the presence or absence of casual and unprotected relationships;
- Factors that contribute to a decrease in the protective functions of the body;
- Possible changes in the usual menu;
- The presence of comorbidities.
Do I have to see a doctor?
An immediate visit to the doctor requires a flashy secret that is atypical of a man. Any change in the structure and color of the liquid must be studied to identify the factors that lead to such violations.

Diagnostic measures include:
- Semen analysis;
- Urethral swab;
- Ultrasound examination of the organs of the genitourinary system;
- Urine collection for general analysis;
- Clinical blood test.
Based on the diagnostic results, a treatment regimen is prescribed for the underlying disease that caused the appearance of pathological exudate. Ignoring such signs leads to a deterioration in well-being and the transition of the disease into a difficult-to-treat chronic form. Timely visit to the urologist will allow you to quickly cope with the disease and maintain health for a long period of time.
When the penis is aroused, a small amount of fluid is released from the urethra. This is a normal phenomenon inherent in almost all healthy men. With the development of diseases, the consistency and volume of the lubricant change. There is an unpleasant odor, pain, or burning sensation when urinating or having an erection. Such a clinical picture requires special attention from a person, since there is a danger to health.
Discharge during arousal in men is called pre-ejaculate. It protrudes from the opening of the urethra the moment the guy is aroused. The pre-seed is secreted by the bulbourethral and littre glands, which are located throughout the canal from the outer opening to the bladder neck.
Discharge when aroused in men performs the following functions:
- ensure free passage of semen through the urethra;
- Destroy bacteria;
- moisturize and suppress the acidic environment in the urethra.
The pre-seed can also act as a lubricant during intercourse, but in most cases the allotted amount is insufficient. Pre-ejaculate is one of the components of semen. It penetrates the semen during ejaculation, mixes with the semen, which allows you to protect the semen from the acidic environment of the woman's vagina.
The volume of pre-ejaculate depends directly on the degree of arousal of the man. Maximum concentration is achieved when there is strong sexual desire. The normal amount of fluid is 5 ml.
Some members of the stronger sex are physiologically incapable of producing lubricant. The lack of praesas during erection reduces the ability to conceive.
Healthy Precum has the following properties:
- Lack of smell;
- Transparency;
- Viscosity;
- Lack of lumps or inclusions;
- does not cause uncomfortable or painful sensations.
The pre-seed fulfills cleaning functions so that its consistency can change. A man may see the lubricant clouding over during repeated intercourse, poor hygiene, or before ejaculation. It will return to normal in 1-2 days. Otherwise, the development of the disease process should be suspected.
Pathological mucous secretions in men differ in color, smell and consistency from healthy ones. They are almost always accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
Symptoms of abnormal lubrication:
- the appearance of fluid from the urethra during the day;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- Painful urination;
- the formation of an excessive amount of mucus;
- voluntary release of lubricant without sexual arousal;
- Presence of foreign inclusions;
- Change in consistency too thick or runny.
These signs are characteristic of pathological processes that indicate the development of diseases.
Unhealthy discharge in men is divided into types:
A kind of | description |
Spermatorrhea | Spontaneous semen loss without reaching orgasm. The cause of the process is decreased muscle tone of the vas deferens. Pathology develops due to chronic inflammation |
Haemorrhea | Release of fat contaminated with blood. Appears with injuries to the mucous membrane of the urethra |
Leukocytic urethrorrhea | The exudative phase of the inflammatory process that results from thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra |
Slimy-purulent | They are made up of a small number of leukocytes, serous fluid, and glandular secretions. This mucus is characterized by active formation at night. The man notices the discharge of pus in the morning, and yellow spots can be found on his underwear. Mucopurulent discharge occurs when the urethra is damaged by bacteria: trichomonads, ureamicoplasm, chlamydia |
Purulent | Contains large numbers of white blood cells, urethral epithelium, mucus and serous fluid. They have a thick consistency and an unpleasant odor. They appear as drops with a yellow or greenish tinge. Evidence of the development of gonococcal urethritis, which is formed against the background of chlamydia and gonorrhea |
The amount of mucus secreted can be either copious or small. Insufficient lubrication can be difficult to spot. To do this, you need to put pressure on the urethra so that the fluid comes out of the opening. It dries quickly and forms a film on the membrane of the glans. The viscous consistency leads to the sponges of the urethra sticking together.
Pre-ejaculate (pre-ejaculate or Cooper fluid) is a clear, colorless, viscous pre-seminal fluid that is released from the urethra of the penis when sexually aroused. Prejaculate is inevitable during human intercourse. This secret is also shared by a man during masturbation in preparation for intercourse (e. g.
Origin before ejaculation
The pre-germ is mainly formed by the Bulbourethral glands (Cooper glands) and the Littre glands.
The littre glands are an additional point for the formation of pre-germs. These are urethral tubular-alveolar glands of the urethra that are located in the submucosal, fibromuscular and connective tissue layers along their entire length from the outer opening to the bladder neck. They secrete and excrete a mucus fluid, the amount of which increases with sexual arousal. Together with the secretion of the Cooper glands, the secretion of the Littre glands also serves to moisten the urethra in order to maintain an alkaline reaction favorable for the sperm during their passage through the urethra.
The amount of pre-ejaculate excreted
The amount of preseminal fluid excreted by a man varies widely between individuals. Some men do not excrete pre-semen, while in others their volume reaches 5 ml. The pre-seed contains a number of chemicals that are found in the seed, such as: B. acid phosphatase. And some seed markers, such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, are completely absent from pre-sowing.
The function performed by the pre-seed
The acidic environment of a man's urethra and a woman's vagina is hostile to a man's semen. The pre-semen neutralizes the residual acid in the urethra caused by the urine and thus creates a more favorable environment for the sperm to pass through. Usually the vaginal area is acidic; Introducing pre-sperm before ejaculation can alter the vaginal environment to aid semen survival. The pre-sperm can absorb sperm that remain in the urethra from previous ejaculations. The prema does not act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse, but facilitates the passage of the sperm through the duct during ejaculation and is also involved in semen coagulation.
Risks Associated with Pre-Seed Exposure
Studies have shown the presence of HIV in most semen samples from HIV-infected men. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus results in HIV infection, the last stage of which is known as AIDS. Many also express concern that it is impossible to find sperm in the pre-semen and therefore not cause pregnancy, and use this fact against the use of interrupted intercourse (removal of the penis) as a method of contraception. There have not been any large studies to determine the sperm content in the prema, but a number of smaller studies have suggested that sperm may be present in the prema. It is also likely that the pre-ejaculation released after the last ejaculation will contain semen, as there will always be some ejaculate left in the passageways after orgasm.
Improved pre-seed training
Some men worry about the amount of pre-seminal fluid they are releasing. A doctor described a patient who was confused that kissing and other mild erotic stimulation caused pre-seed to leak through his pants. Several reports have shown satisfactory results when these men were treated with a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor [5]. In such cases, a doctor recommended a differential diagnosis with prostatorrhea, secretion of the prostate during exertion when urinating or defecating.
Religious attitude
For Sunni Muslims, the release of the pre-semen during adequate sleep requires a cleansing ritual.