The need to show sexual attraction in an implicit way arose at a time of strict rules and regulations when attitudes to the intimate process were taboo by moral codes and church standards. Both the man and the woman had to demonstrate a willingness to act to their partner without fear of publicity and public censure. In such cases, non-verbal signals made it possible to learn about sympathy and desire.
Wanting a woman and not showing her is wrong from the normal man's point of view. Therefore, a potential partner tries, unconsciously or unconsciously, to demonstrate his interest in the object of desire through sexual gestures and postures.
When a man sees an attractive woman, he involuntarily begins to give out an "alpha male". It describes the readiness for sexual intercourse with self-confident postures and shows a high tone of the physical condition of one's own body. This is usually seen in the following manifestations:
- the man stretches his back and stretches his shoulders;
- tries to pull in the stomach deeper;
- when a man is standing his legs are shoulder width apart, which shows particular stability and strong position;
- it is also important to keep track of the position of the socks on the man's shoes. If he is interested in an attractive person, they will be forwarded to that woman.
- when a man sits in a chair he involuntarily spreads his legs, as if demonstrating his own genitals, ready for mating.
The excited man begins straightening his clothes and hair in hopes of attracting the woman's attention with his appearance. Instead of an edgy and heavy gait, he moves fast like an athlete while correcting figure flaws, straightening up, and removing the belly
A shine appears in the eyes, the skin on the face is automatically tightened, and bags under the eyes disappear on their own. In general, passion makes a person much younger and really more desirable to a friend.
Such a gesture is rarely used today, and many have already forgotten it, but just fifty years ago, thumbs behind a trouser belt meant a rude, ostentatious act towards a woman aimed at demonstrating her own genitals.
The delay in the man's gaze at the object of his pleasure says a lot. If he looks a woman in the eyes a little longer than the etiquette dictates, it shows his excitement and readiness for closer contact.
Factors Affecting Attraction
There are several factors that can affect the level of sex drive in men. This factor should include:
- Visual image. The fact is that the face of a beloved girl, the attractive smile of a stranger, as well as any other visual contact with sexual connotation can arouse a man. At the same time, after such signals, images of future sexual intercourse with a woman appear in his head.
- Excitement from smell. The smell has a stimulating effect on the representatives of the stronger sex, in particular, a natural feminine aroma has a similar property. Essential oil and pheromones are often found in some mild pathogens.
- Listen. Arousal through auditory contact is also possible. The sound of a name, a light whisper, can have an aphrodisiac effect for men.
- Taste. Few people know, but arousal can also be increased by certain aphrodisiac foods that increase blood flow to the genitals. These include nuts, seafood, bananas, honey, and chocolate.
- Touches. Most of all, of course, the excitement of the touch will be. In this case we are talking about a natural physiological response. Any healthy man will have an erection even after brief masturbation. Increased arousal during sexual intercourse.
From the first touch
Touch has a strong character, sometimes it is it that betrays a completely masculine desire to get closer to a partner. Observe the man's behavior: if he cares about you, he will do everything possible to satisfy even the smallest details. During short-term or spontaneous contact with the body or hand, a man may feel goose bumps all over his body, which speaks of his excitement, an increased desire to take possession of you.

If a young man has sympathy for you, he will do everything possible to prove it in practice. He will try to unwittingly take your hand, touch your knees, remove hair from your eyes, which indicates an increased desire to continue a pleasant evening.
Touch sometimes reveals a lot more than just the eyes.
The trembling of the hands, a little caution, the fear of deterring the partner, immediately betray the excitement of the man.
Together with the touch, he begins to say pleasant words, turns pale, sometimes blushes, feels a wave of goose bumps when touching each other tactilely. At this moment information is generated in the man's brain that directs his signals to the point where he "thinks" in such situations.

Signs of sexual arousal in men
Sexual arousal is a type of stress on the body and is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing, and dilated pupils, so an indirect sign may be a certain emotion in a man, a rougher voice than usual.
The most importanta sign of sexual arousalin men, when the penis is filled with blood, an erection occurs and it becomes hard, the pressure increases, which can reach arterial pressure, which changes its shape a little and increases in size, i. e. becomes 6-7 cm longer and 2-3 cm in diameter and becomes hard. This allows it to be inserted into the vagina during intercourse.
However, it happens that an erection does not occur due to various types of vascular disease, smoking, diabetes mellitus, or some type of stress and nervous or mental disorders. All of these diseases make it difficult for the arterial cells to relax, which means that adequate blood flow is not guaranteed.
Arousal in men is much easier and faster than in women, and its strength depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of hormones and strength in the body. The degree of excitability also depends on anthropology, for example, short men experience sexual attraction more than tall men.
Excitement in men can only arise with a thought about intercourse and disappears quickly after it ends, and you can arouse a man by flirting with him, exposing his body, etc.
When a man is very aroused, he has one conditionsexual arousaldisappears very quickly, and the process of sperm ejection occurs quickly. In men, in addition to various caresses, sexual stimulants are also triggers. They can only be and touch one type of a woman's genitals, as well as the feeling that a woman is in an aroused state. They also include different types of auditory, visual, and nasal stimuli.
During intercourse itself, with the rubbing of his penis against the walls of the vagina, the nerve endings become even more irritated and, as a result, an even greater excitement occurs, the man's face may turn red and he begins to breathe frequently. If the rubs are stopped for a short time, there will be a gradual flow of blood and the penis will begin to soften, when they are resumed, an erection will occur again and this will allow you to prolong sexual intercourse.
The greatest sexual arousal and flow of pleasure in men is observed during orgasm and ejaculation, and the high, in turn, is divided into 3 phases: this is a gradual accumulation of arousal, the highest level of arousal, i. e. the orgasm itself and the stage of arousal decline.
Before the onset of ejaculation, the man begins to feel the sweet contractions of the spermatic duct and bubbles, these sensations last a few seconds and are a sign of the onset of orgasm. These contractions stop after the semen is released under high pressure, and so do the upper ends. Those. it only takes a few seconds.
After the end of sexual intercourse, the reverse process can be observed, the so-called detumescence. At the same time, there is a rapid outflow of blood and a decrease in the size of the penis, and it becomes soft, but if a man is strongly attracted to his partner, this process may take a little longer.
In both men and women, after the sensation of orgasm, there is a feeling of a refractory pause, this is the time when there is no arousal even after erogenous exposure. The length of this period is different for men and can vary from a few minutes to several days.
Scientists identify several factors for the normal course of sexual intercourse, including: - neurohumoral, i. the process of blood flow that causes an influx of hormones that contributes to the onset of sexual desire and arousal; - mental, which contributes to the onset of an erection just before the onset of sexual intercourse; - erection, which helps stimulate the penis; - ejaculation, ejaculation.
How do you know if a guy is horny?
Of course for a standing member. That's what a lot of girls think. But this is wrong. After all, an erection may not be complete, not strong, or even absent when aroused. Therefore, staring blankly between your beloved's legs is definitely not an option.
The guy's excitement is also manifested in such signs as:
- Rapid breathing
- Conversation about intimate topics;
- Cardiopalmus;
- Confusion of thoughts;
- A choked voice.
Also, the young man may start touching or harassing you. He cannot control himself. He seems to have drunk a little, even though he's sober.
Such a person's pupils are dilated and the appearance is a little silly. Incidentally, the excitement expresses itself similarly in girls.
In this case, it is worth looking at the bigger picture. Excitement shows in everything. Because if his heart is just beating or he smiles a lot, it doesn't mean that. that he wants you. Maybe the person is just shy.
Signs of a man's arousal
There are several other indirect signs that he may want intimacy:
- Thirst. Unless it's really not hot now;
- Inhibition or, conversely, great physical activity;
- Customize your clothes, hairstyles, etc. ;
- Sucking in the abdomen and straightening the back;
- Unexpected embarrassment.
In addition, a horny person will undress you with his eyes, even if he is the most sophisticated guy in the world. And sometimes he can just leave you (in the sense of home) for fear of his feelings. This is possible with the first appointments. If you haven't just got to know each other, in this state he will be more likely to go to your home.

And don't forget the tail. This is (if stupid) a tried and tested method. Try to look at it thinner than the belt. When "something sticks out" there is 100% excitement.
What turns boys on
Almost anything can turn a young person on. Starting with bare breasts and ending with simple conversations. Male sexuality is designed in such a way that the desire for sex comes quickly and is conveyed through images. That means he doesn't need a romantic evening or candles to covet you.
Many don't know, but mundane hugs turn guys on. In fact, the girl is pressed against her chest during this process. This is why you shouldn't hug your friend often if you don't want to include him in your bed.
Remember that a man can be aroused: panties that stick out from under jeans, fishnet tights, a short skirt, a large neckline on a dress, tight-fitting pants such as leggings, etc. Therefore, if you don't like, you shouldn't wear anything sincerewant to see a piece of meat.
Exciting factors
Factors that affect arousal in the fair sex are as follows:
- Love. The most important pathogen for women is precisely this feeling. Girls always have to whisper kind, gentle words in her ear. At the same time, love wins not only in words but also in deeds. Therefore, a man should not be stingy with generous chivalric deeds.
- A man's smell. This factor largely determines the possibility of interaction between a woman and a man. In this case we are talking about natural pheromones. If we talk about perfume, here you need to be very careful, carefully choosing one or another fragrance. Hence, a man should not skimp on such an important aspect.
- Look. This factor is also very important for arousal. A handsome representative of the stronger sex, who goes to the gym, takes care of his body and health, is already interesting for a woman. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of your hair, nails, and even your clothes. A nice tie, a nice suit, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, the right underwear and much more can turn a woman on. It should also be noted that some women may be aroused by the slightly prickly stubble, hairy and strong arms, and the feel of a manly shaft. The latter is already given by nature.
- Position. Of particular importance in arousal is the setting, the meeting or the date. Many people always strive for the best, the arrangement of things in this case is no exception. It should also include music that can add more euphoria to a date, a nice place, delicious dishes that also include the aphrodisiacs described above.

Erogenous zone
Some women assume that there is only one erogenous zone in the male body and that it is in the groin area. In fact, everything is a little different. There are many more erogenous zones in the body of the stronger sex. To prepare a partner for intimacy, you need to let your imagination run wild and resort not only to your hands, but also to your lips.
Where are the erogenous zones in men:
- Face and neck area. Scientists have shown that these places are very vulnerable. Stimulating these zones will help awaken the Lord's desire. You can touch the back of your neck with your fingertips, massage your earlobes and kiss your loved one on the face.
- Rib cage and back. Sexologists recommend flirting with your lover, alternately touching the surface of his back and chest. You can also use your friend's shoulders, they are advised to massage gently and make undulating movements. The back is massaged along the entire spine, the touch is soft and smooth. But often it is enough to approach the man from behind and run your hands over his chest in the direction of the lower abdomen.
- Nipples. This erogenous zone is characterized by its high level of sensitivity. Touching this area can bring pleasure and discomfort to your partner. Because the sensitivity of each stronger sex is a purely individual matter.
- Stomach. This is an area that requires special attention. You can touch it with your hands, lips, and even your head. Crown massage is widely used in Thailand and beyond. It is carried out according to certain rules: the girl sits on her partner, tilts her head and touches the top of her head with circular movements on his stomach. The diameter of the circle will gradually increase. Such a massage will not only help to arouse a man, but also increase his sexual activity.
- Hands and fingers. In order to stay in bed with a loved one for a long time, you need to take care of his palms. They can be: rubbed, kissed, ironed. There are nerve endings on the fingertips that improve the transmission of impulses to the brain.
- Inside of the thigh. To get your partner in the right mood quickly, it is worth giving them a foot massage, which will definitely affect this area. Blood flows through the arteries to the organs of the reproductive system, a foot massage improves blood circulation and ensures a long-lasting erection. It is for this reason that it is resorted to in the treatment of impotence.

How to quickly arouse a loved one in bed with hands and caresses? To do this, you need to hug your partner with your hands on the chest and press against his back with your bare chest.
So that "everything works out" and the partner enjoys the intimacy with his beloved, you have to be liberated and active. The main thing is to feel the man so that you can predict his desires and read the innermost thoughts.
Should the guy be horny or is he already horny?
There are many ways to verify that your lover is desiring sexual contact now. An erection is known to be the most noticeable sign of male arousal, but of course this cannot always be proven. Therefore, it is worth knowing some other, less noticeable details that reveal your partner's secret desires.
- Physiological signs. During the excitement, small changes occur in the work of the male body - the pulse accelerates, sweating increases, and a slight tremor of the hands and voice is possible. The latter, by the way, often becomes quiet and slightly hoarse and takes on velvety and playful notes.
- View. When a guy craves you, he'll literally eat your body with his eyes. In general, the state of male arousal resembles a light trance, which is not difficult to see in his eyes.
- Posture and gestures. A man burning with sexual desire will always keep his body focused on you. Often the guys take the pose of a confident macho, fold their hands on the belt and gently push the body forward, as if to demonstrate their dignity. Even if that doesn't always work - it all depends on the person's character and self-esteem. Pay attention to the position of the shoes - if the guy wants you, the socks on his shoes will definitely be steered in your direction
- To speak. When a man's mind is preoccupied with your body, there may be long pauses in conversation. This means that your lover is so engrossed in fantasies about sex that the ability to think about everything else just disappears.

Words and tenderness
If your darling is in no hurry to go to bed, then you should try to inspire him with words. You may have a rich vocabulary and know your partner's preferences, but still feel uncomfortable whispering different sentences to them.
Words and sentences are chosen individually, much depends on the receptivity of the Lord. However, for the best result, you need to add affection to the words.

Cuddling is a broad concept that can include hands, feet, kisses, and other elements of lovemaking. Oral contact is also referred to as caressing, as well as intimate massage.
When a decision has been made to fully influence the beloved, you can combine affection, kisses and caresses with words. This will allow the man to reach the peak of arousal faster.
If all of the above methods do not work, then you should think about using the pathogen. As such, aphrodisiacs, lubricants, tablets and creams act. However, it is better to coordinate the deployment with a partner - this will help avoid embarrassing situations.

Signs of clear attention
In fact, it's not hard to understand if a man wants you. He won't hide much.
It is important for women not to show compassion and be humble, mysterious, intrigued and let men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is arranged differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent
Most likely, a man will pay attention because he doesn't just want a woman - he is certainly thinking about how to get her. And to do this, you need to persistently care for them, give beautiful gifts and flowers, give beautiful compliments, and so on.
Having sexual pleasure will make him choose special gifts and speak special words. It will be different from romantic youthful impulses and will certainly have a subtle sexual undertone. In this way, you can reliably and precisely understand what is on the gentleman’s heart.
Whether he is presenting you with sexy lingerie, a negligee or a dressing gown - this is already an open offer and not even an indication. But that rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute jewelry - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets of flowers and sweets.
He suddenly became so beautiful. . .
Every man understands very well that he has to be attractive in order for you to fall into his strong arms.
So he suddenly changes - he puts on fresh shirts, he always smells good, and you can't remember when he was unshaven.
Appearance will give you a straight answer - if he always looks neat and fresh when he goes to a date with you, chances are he is attracted to hoping to get you.
Hands stretch like a magnet. . .
For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, then first of all he will have an irresistible desire to touch it. Distinguishing simple, friendly touches from those with a sexual connotation is easy.
If his touch is gentle, very light, often accidental, it is a clear sign of sexual desire.
It is also worth knowing where male hands are reaching. This place is a little below the waist (a man with good manners is unlikely to grab your buttocks, although he will certainly have such a desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, legs.
Men, too, are always very aroused by the feminine odor. Hence, you will notice that a man is trying to smell you - to say something in his ear while breathing the smell of your hair, kissing, inhaling the scent of perfume.

He is better than the rest!
Obviously, if you are in company with your chosen man, and there are other representatives of his gender, then he will obviously try to be better than the rest.
Men are by nature leaders, conquerors, it is very important for them to be the first. So, he will do his best to be much better than others to achieve your location
In general, it won't be difficult for a woman to realize that a man wants her very much.
Everything about him reveals this longing: the eyes become like a train, the gaze wanders and cannot stop in front of your eyes, he is a little nervous, clearly pays attention and seems to be watching you like a predator
Even the most humble and fearful guy will not be able to hide his desires. It's too strong and will still manifest in one way or another.
How to use this knowledge is another question. A woman is born to be admired, to be the object of lust and dreams.