Products to increase potency: permitted and prohibited

What are we talking about?Products to increase potency do not cure diseases, but they can support libido. Men need regular testosterone production - and red meat, seafood, fish and nuts contribute positively to this.

What should you pay attention to?Although diet is a key factor in maintaining potency, lifestyle in general is also important. It is therefore important to combine a healthy diet with exercise, relaxation and regular health checks.

Products to increase potency

Nutritional research shows that almost 70% of human health depends on food. Excessive consumption of alcohol, fatty and sweet foods disrupts the functioning of internal organs and has a negative effect on the sexual condition of men. Many believe that the destructive effects of such a diet can be neutralized with medication. However, there is another way without side effects - a healthy diet that includes foods that benefit the entire body, including increasing potency.

Potency-enhancing products

Moderation in eating is one of the factors that allows you to maintain your health. Excess pounds put excessive strain on the heart, circulatory system and muscles. The body is completely absorbed in the process of digesting food. He no longer has the strength to maintain his potency. However, you should remember that eating too thin will not solve your health problems. A lack of important microelements can worsen the situation. First, the body begins to save the brain. Processes associated with reproduction fade into the background.

A vegetarian diet saturates the body with energy and lightness. However, this does not mean that your sexual health is optimal. To produce sperm, you need protein-rich food.

The information provided does not constitute a guide for people with diseases of the male reproductive system. You must follow the recommendations of your treating doctor. Indulgence is associated with negative consequences for the entire body.

What foods can be useful for increasing potency and testosterone?

Which foods are good for potency

Here is a standard selection of foods that have a positive effect on reproductive function:

  • Seafood is at the top of the list. These are squid, shrimp, mussels, seaweed. They contain zinc. The element is involved in the production of the most important male hormone testosterone and supports life energy. Seafood contains many useful substances – vitamins, protein in an easily digestible form and various microelements.
  • The second most important product is sea fish with a high fat content., which is mainly in the form of omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna, halibut, salmon and mackerel contain a lot of magnesium. They contain selenium and protein in significant amounts. The "Fish Day" several times a week significantly increases sperm activity. And the likelihood of developing such a dangerous disease as Alzheimer's disease is greatly reduced.
  • Eggs, both chicken and quail eggsis another product to increase potency. They contain a lot of cholesterol - the main substance for the production of the sex hormone testosterone. Protein is completely absorbed by the body. Recent research shows that men can eat eggs every day without affecting their health.
  • All kinds of nuts and seedssaturated with zinc, amino acids and microelements necessary to increase effectiveness. If you include 20 g of it in your daily diet for a month, you will help achieve the desired balance of nutrients in the body. It should be borne in mind that eating large nuts can disrupt the digestive process.
  • Meat. This applies to both 40 and 60 years. To increase potency, beef and veal, as well as other low-fat varieties such as turkey and rabbit, are useful. It is good if it is meat from young animals. Steamed or oven-baked products are preferred. When purchasing pork, care must be taken to ensure that producers do not use growth hormones. This rule also applies to chicken.
  • Vegetables and greens– Products ideal for men of all ages. This can be cabbage, celery, carrots or other vegetables that do not contain too much starch. In addition to nutrients, vegetables also contain a lot of fiber. It should be remembered that its excess causes such an unpleasant phenomenon as flatulence. Ideally, vegetables are recommended as a side dish with grilled meat.

Men are usually interested in the question: which products can immediately increase potency? We hasten to disappoint those who are looking for such miraculous products. They don't exist. However, it's not all bad. Seafood and various nuts can increase the sensitivity of nerve endings and increase blood circulation. Sour cream has a good effect on potency.

Harmful foods for potency

Low alcohol drinks – beer and others

All alcoholic drinks are harmful to health.

Nutritionists are of the opinion that beer is a purely female drink and is contraindicated for men. The raw material for this are hop cones. The phytoestrogens contained in it can cause the development of a "beer belly" and disrupt fat metabolism. Beer promotes stagnation of bile and the development of fatty liver. You should drink it no more than once a week. Men who are interested in maintaining their health, should give up daily consumption.

Which foods harm potency

Potato Chips

This product has carcinogenic properties and is not suitable for increasing potency. It can provoke the development of not only benign tumors, but also oncology. Americans often refer to potato chips as "cancer sticks". Men aged 40 and over are at risk. The use of this product is strongly discouraged.

The most common diseases that can be caused by chips include prostate cancer and polyps. Due to their availability, chips are sometimes consumed without restrictions. This is a high-calorie product. It contains fats and salt. An excess of these components leads to cardiovascular diseases.


Andrologists advise men to exclude from their diet not only it, but also products made on its basis, for example, tofu, soy milk. They contain plant estrogens. They have a negative effect on men's hormone levels. As a result, patients who ignore these recommendations suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Systematic consumption of soy can provoke the development of gynecomastia. This is a disease associated with the growth of the mammary glands in men. At the same time, the sperm quickly lose mobility. You don't have to worry about negative consequences if you include soy in your diet no more than once a week.

Almost all sausages contain soy in one amount or another. You should avoid consuming these products daily.


The product contains a lot of fat and salt. It is often used for cooking scrambled eggs. Bacon is not included in the list of products to increase potency:

  • Smoked meat contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Pork fat is a very high-calorie product that disrupts hormonal levels. An adult man should consume no more than 50g of fat per day. This product is difficult to digest. This process uses up glucose, which is necessary for the brain. Pork fat and alcohol impair liver function.
  • Salt. Excessive consumption leads to swelling. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, fatty and salty foods such as bacon should be eliminated from your diet.

In order not to harm your health, nutritionists recommend consuming smoked products no more than once a week. The optimal amount of product is no more than 100 g.


This is a herbaceous, spicy plant with a high content of phytoestrogens, an analogue of female sex hormones. Men are not recommended to consume mint as it significantly reduces testosterone levels in the body. Anyone who drinks tea with this herb will lose their sex drive.

Additional recommendations for increasing potency

Problems can be avoided if you follow a healthy lifestyle and eat foods recommended to increase potency. It is necessary to regularly visit an andrologist. Self-medication leads to serious chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

WHO data suggests that around 150 million men suffer from reduced potency. The reasons include poor nutrition, frequent stress and the modern rhythm of life, which keeps a person in constant tension.


  1. Rejection of bad habits. The male population suffers greatly from excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. This reduces potency and sperm quality leaves something to be desired. Nicotine and alcohol are often the cause of infertility. Smoking has a negative effect on the condition of the circulatory system. Atherosclerotic plaques block blood flow to the genitals.
  2. Get your nerves in order. Sometimes men are afraid of possible failures in bed. We must try to allay concerns about this. It helps to consult a psychologist. Find an activity that you enjoy so that you can calm down and relax.
  3. Play sports. Congestion in the genital area can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Create a daily routine that includes time for exercise. To improve blood circulation, perform a series of Kegel exercises. However, moderation should be exercised. In professional athletes, excessive training leads to a decline in performance.
  4. Control your weight. Excess body weight inhibits testosterone production. High-calorie foods are not suitable for increasing potency. They increase the level of hormones characteristic of the female body. As a result, overweight men are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
  5. Have a regular sex life. A well-established intimate area is one of the ways to avoid congestion in the pelvis. A steady partner helps avoid sexual problems and reduces the risk of prostatitis. Spontaneous connections and excessive activity harm men's health.
  6. Strengthen your immune system. Light curing is one way to strengthen the immune system. Walk outdoors more often. Avoid hypothermia. Training should not weaken the body.
  7. Get checked regularly. A visit to the urologist should take place at least once a year. The inspection should not be delayed unless there are complaints. Regular visits to a specialist will help avoid the development of serious diseases.
Nuts have a positive effect on potency

Summarize. We found out which products are useful for increasing potency and which can only make the situation worse. We looked at other factors that affect erection. To make your sex life enjoyable, you should eat a healthy diet and avoid excessive amounts of salt, sugar and fat. This is the most effective way to maintain potency at the right level.